I met my first niece this month. It was my cousin's birthday this month. It was Beyoncé's birthday this month. I saw my older sister for the first time in months this month. Definitely a great month. I hope October, my birth month, is as good if not better.
I believe we can respect our authority figures, but also challenge them. Challenge their views and their practices, but still retain a classiness to it. My mother, perhaps my most influential authority figure, encourages me to be myself. She loves and cares for me while at the same time guiding me, whether it be strictly or casually. Not only does my mother tell me to be myself but also have respect for myself. When I came out to her, she supported me and said, "I love you no matter what and I support you no matter what." I totally respect her, but that does not mean I agree with everything she says or thinks. Sometimes we agree and sometimes we don't. We fight, but at the end of the day, I respect her a whole lot. I believe we take the word 'respect' to harshly. 'Respect' to some people means to obey and not question the person or thing you respect. And although the word 'respect' technically means "a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements", to me it means not treating the person you respect badly. Being kind to them and also be able to challenge them in a polite manner.
The four different types of bullying for teens in high school.
Verbal. Sometimes the words bullies say to make other people feel bad hurt more than physical harm
Physical. Bullies harm victims by hitting, pushing, tripping, throwing, etc. with this type of bullying. This can be the most dangerous. from the bully.
Social. Out casting, cliques, slut shaming, etc. all contribute to social bullying. In a time where what your peers thing about you and you hang out with determines you place in high school, this can be the most impact way of bullying.
Cyber. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat were all made to connect us with our friends. But so quickly they have connected us the bullies. Trolls are everywhere. Bullies are everywhere on social media.
When I was in elementary I always got teased for hanging with girls or liking to dance all the time. Social bulling has always been apart of my life, even now as much as people have come to accept my sexuality and are okay with it. People with closed minds or strong religious beliefs are still out there. They still call us names and that will never change. I have learned how to turn the cheek. "Kill Them With Kindness" Unfortunately for so many other victims of bullying, they have not had a strong foundation to come out of the hazy forest that is bullying. They decide to end their lives in hopes of ending the pain and suffering. They let the bully win and I feel true apathy for these victims. We need to realize that as much as we have it bad their are other that have it worse.
We All Rise. Simple. Together we can end bullying. Accepting each other for who we are and not tearing down one another for our differences or even for our similarities.
Coherent: (of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent.
Belabor: attack or assault (someone) physically or verbally.
Eschew: deliberately avoid using; abstain from.
Acquisitive: excessively interested in acquiring money or material things.
Emulate: match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation.
Banal: so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.
Excoriation: harsh criticism.
Congeal: solidify or coagulate, especially by cooling.
Carping: difficult to please; critical.
Substantiate: provide evidence to support or prove the truth of.
Temporize: avoid making a decision or committing oneself in order to gain time.
Largesse: generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others.
Tenable: able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection.
Insatiable: (of an appetite or desire) impossible to satisfy.
Reconnaissance: military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features.
Germane: relevant to a subject under consideration.
Ramify: spread or branch out.
Intransigent: unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something.
Taciturn: (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.
My sister sent me this and I got an instant smile on my face! Can't wait to meet this little angel! 💕